DIY Phone Case Little Carrot

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016

Hi all, today i wanna show you how to decorate your phone case. It really super simple. So, you can try it in your home.
I swear, you can find all of materials on offline shop or online shop.

Okay, let's try.

Materials that you need:
1. Acrylic paint
2. Small and medium paintbrush
3. Transparent phone case
4. Scissor
5. Make up sponge
6. Paper
7. Sharpie Pen (Black Color)
8. Dotting Pen

How to make it :

  • Take a plain paper, draw shape of carrot and then cut it. For more detail please see the video.

  • After the paper is ready, pour the acrylic paint into container.

  • Take your phone case, put the paper that you have cut on it and then take the acrylic paint with makeup sponge. You can see the detail on video.

  • After the acrylic paint is dry, take the green acrylic paint with small paintbrush to create leaf carrot.

  • To make your carrot looks cute, you can add eyes and mouth on there. For that, you can use the dotting pen to create black eyes and sharpie for the smiley. Please see on video.

  • After all step done, your new phone case is ready.

Hope you enjoy it, please give the comment, like and don't forget to follow this blog. See you in the next page.

7 komentar:

  1. klo aku yg buat dijamin ga bakal jadi :(

  2. wah, bisa begitu ya mbak.
    bisa gambar sesuka hati ya.
    kalo punya anak, bisa suruh mereka gambar phone case punya orangtuanya.

  3. hahahaa, aku juga masih belajar mba. Ketolong krn pake pola xp

  4. hahaha, bisa aja masnya. tapi bagus juga kalau anaknya aja yg di minta gambar, apa lagi kalau org tuanya pake terus, pasti si anak jadi makin semangat gambar :D

  5. klo pake tinta selain itu ga bsa a mbk?

  6. Iya mbak. Saya punya ponakan cewek, masih SD. Kami sering tukar2an gambar yang kami buat sendiri. Walau gambar kami jelek, tapi senang aja melihat gambarnya :)

  7. Sebenernya bisa sih, cuma gak sekuat cat acrylic. Makanya aku pake itu. Atau bisa coba buat pake spidol sharpie juga oke kok :D
